Friday, October 15, 2004


I got a little time this afternoon so I think I'll write a few lines. I've been very busy today and I don't like it especially since it's Friday. Friday is supposed to be a happy day, the last day of the work week, we finally made it, thank God it's Friday and so on and so on.

Here's how the day went: dropped the boys off at school this morning. Zack wanted to wear shorts so I told him he could if he wore a sweater or a jacket. It has been very cool all day long, I guess I should have made him wear the jeans, but he would actually wear shorts all winter long if I would let him. Trevor wore jeans but was worried he might get too hot on the walk home from school. I told him he would be fine in jeans all day long. He will only wear his skateboarding shoes I got him, if he has jeans on. They are black and he thinks they look weird with shorts.

I got to work and stopped by the registrars office and answered some questions that a few of the ladies had. When I got back in the office at 5 minutes after 8, my boss wanted to know where I had been. I told her where and what they wanted and she went off on me and got all upset because she had answered their questions yesterday. She said she didn't like people going behind her back like that. I tried to tell her that I told them the same thing that she did, but she ended up calling their supervisor and complaining about the ladies for just asking me the same questions. She doesn't like to be second guessed.

The boss brought bagels from panera bread this morning for boss's day. I didn't get her anything, I told her I was too poor and to just look at me. But we went into the big boss's office and sat around and laughed and talked and ate a bagel a piece. My boss had bought a bakers dozen(13), so we took the others to the break room to share with the rest of the office and they already had their own panera bagels. So I am getting to take the rest of the bagels and cream cheese home with me. When the boss lady came in to get them, I said I was hoping you would forget those, so she says would you like to take them home. In no time the answer came out of my mouth. YES! I think she may have been expecting my to say no.

I just got an email from the wife saying that she got a letter today saying thanks but no thanks for a job that she had an interview for on Wednesday. Damn, when is something going to go right for me and the family. I'm getting so far behind on the bills that it's almost funny if it weren't for the crying. Maybe I should send an email to everyone I work with and ask for donations. Just a dollar or two would really help, as long as everyone contributed. Better go now and check out what's going on in the world of sports and try to look busy for another half hour.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panera does know bagels that's for sure. Atleast you got bagels! My friday started out with looking for a jacket that was no where to be found and ending up with a lap full of ice cold coke so I definately would have traded ya. Let me know how the dollar donation thing works out would ya? I have been trying to get my family and friends to do that for years to no avail. Sorry to hear about your wife and her job I know that it definately takes 2 people when you have kids to raise.

3:43 PM  

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