Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Political Office

I am here to announce that I am going to run for political office. I don't know yet what office, but I will run. I believe I could do a much better job than some of the people we have now. I could run for local, state, or even federal. We have career politicians that have never had to work in their lives, except for having to mow their own lawns, until they hired illegal aliens to do that. I would come right out and say that I am in it for the money. Not the illegal money, but the money that goes with the job. For most politicos, elected jobs is a cut in pay. For me, even a small local position would be a raise, remember, I work for the state of Tennessee. I can only imagine how hard I would work if I was to get a huge raise like a state senator or even U.S. senators salary. Bill Frist, my Tennessee senator, recently sold his stock and made a huge profit, since the stock dropped in price sharply right after he had sold. He denies any inside information, but come on, this was his own family business. Well he is a Republican, so I guess he will get away with it, just like they all told us they would look into the gas price gouging when hurricane Katrina hit. Or the time they told us of Iraq's WMD's. Or the time they told us they would get Osama and then distracted us with the Gulf War Part II. Damn I sound bitter.


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