Monday, August 22, 2005

10 Days

Well, I haven't posted in 10 days and I'm still waiting for the ship to come in. I'm still waiting on my lottery number to come up and still waiting for my benefactor to come through, whoever he or she may be. I subscribed to Rosie O'Donnell's blog because she stated on her site that she sends free stuff every now and then. So now I'm waiting for her to hook me up with a manager and an agent to get my career started.

I'm waiting on Rosie and I'm also still waiting on Ashby to write my life story. I could even play myself in the movie. I just gotta keep my fingers crossed and wait for the big break.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Pump Prices

There is currently a poll listed on, that asked if the rising cost of gas is causing me hardship. Hell yes it is, I just paid $2.44 a gallon at lunch, so all I got was 5 dollars worth. That will last me a day. Help George, Hellfire let's invade another one of those oil-rich countries and say that they have weapons of mass destruction.

Dear Mr. President,

Do I have to think of everything??

Area Code 206

By the way, if you do call and get the degree for me, I just thought I would warn ya that you are calling Seattle Washington. Well I guess that beats calling some place down in Mexico, though the school in Washington is probably accreddited by some foreign country.

Dr. Benny

After my last post, the only comment I received was from someone wanting me to call so I could get info on getting a bachelors, masters, MBA, doctorate, or PhD in any field. Does it show so much in my writing that I could use more education, well couldn't we all use a little more. If anyone is interested the phone number is 1-206-339-5106. No books, tests, or exams. If I had the money to do it, I would pay the money and get my doctorate next week. If anyone wants to sponsor me so I can get the doctorate, just call the number. I've seen enough dateline, 20-20, and 60 minutes to have heard about diploma mills. Sounds damn good to me, I send in the money and they send back the diploma. It would probably work for me just as well as the one I have.

When I got my degree in a let's just say, computer field, the school told us we would have people knocking at our doors, running to hire us. Companies needed people like us, at least that's what we were told. I graduated with a 4.0 and didn't get a single interview until I found a job a year and a half later. My former school keeps going on though, promising the moon and able to get anyone a student loan. The student loan is the only thing that I really have to show for going back to school. I left a good-paying job, although it was hard manual labor, for about half of the money I make now. And now I work for the state, so I have to hear about no money in the state budget this year for raises every year!

I'm also now in an office environment, which means I have to hear the gossip and be part of the constant gossip that goes around. Do some of these people actually think they are doing any good by passing on things they hear. These people of course run to the bosses first of all and they get a thanks from the boss. Damn that does sound sweet, maybe I will join them. But I can't, I cannot run behind someone's back and tell on them just to get them in trouble. I got in trouble a few months back and I think I know who told on me. I was written up because someone from upper management heard this rumor, so of course it had to be true, so let's write Dr. Benny up for it. I was never told what I supposedly said, I was never told who made the accusation, just that they were upper management so it had to be true if they said it. Damn! People suck.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Is It Wrong?

Is it wrong when I drive through a poorer side of town and see a person walking, that I check and make sure my doors are locked? Is it wrong when I see a person of color walking in the vicinity of my van, that I make sure the doors are locked? Is it wrong if I pass a person of color while walking and try not to make eye contact or sometimes make it a point to make eye contact and speak, to show that I don't see the world in just black or white? Why do I go through so many emotions when those things happen? Am I a bad person or just normal?

I have always tried to distinguish people as all being the same and all equal. I have tried to raise my kids that way and I think I have accomplished that. I have a very, very good friend who is black. My boys when they were younger used to call him, Uncle Willie. They didn't see color, they saw a person, a man, a friend. My son was in school before he asked me if Willie was really his uncle. I told him not really, but he was so close to us, we considered him family. So why, after all these years do I still see some things and some people as either black or white?