Friday, August 05, 2005

Is It Wrong?

Is it wrong when I drive through a poorer side of town and see a person walking, that I check and make sure my doors are locked? Is it wrong when I see a person of color walking in the vicinity of my van, that I make sure the doors are locked? Is it wrong if I pass a person of color while walking and try not to make eye contact or sometimes make it a point to make eye contact and speak, to show that I don't see the world in just black or white? Why do I go through so many emotions when those things happen? Am I a bad person or just normal?

I have always tried to distinguish people as all being the same and all equal. I have tried to raise my kids that way and I think I have accomplished that. I have a very, very good friend who is black. My boys when they were younger used to call him, Uncle Willie. They didn't see color, they saw a person, a man, a friend. My son was in school before he asked me if Willie was really his uncle. I told him not really, but he was so close to us, we considered him family. So why, after all these years do I still see some things and some people as either black or white?


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