Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday 4-11-05

It's Monday and I don't really have anything to say, but ----- the boss lady and the big boss lady are huddled up in an office, probably plotting my demise. I hate it when they go into one of their offices and shut the door. I guess I'm just being paranoid, but I always think they are talking about me. But like the wife told me one time, everything doesn't have to be about you, at least I hope not. The boss lady wasn't even suppose to be here today, but showed up around 1 pm. She is sooo devoted, now if it was me, I wouldn't have even thought about it.

Zack has an appointment with his allergist right now. Zack is allergic to dogs,cats,mold, and grass. He was tested around 6 or 7 years ago, so I think he has grown out of some of the allergies. I don't really think he is still allergic to dogs or it would probably make him sick to sleep with Spankie every night. Zack's main problem with allergies seems to be cats. If we go to someone's house that have cats, Zack will start having breathing problems and cannot stop sneezing. OK, enough about allergies.

I need to try and stay busy looking for another half hour. If no one calls with a computer problem, the only thing I have left to do today is setup the automatic timer on the coffee pot for tomorrow.

I had a new lunch experience today, Ashby took me to a place called Chandler's Deli. It was a truly great lunch. I had steak and gravy with broccoli casserole and fried okra. I had a huge piece of cornbread that was a little dry. The broccoli was some of the finest I have ever had. The okra was the usual pre-breaded, frozen stuff you get everywhere, until summer rolls around. Ashby had a humongeous pulled pork samich that I quickly tried a bite of when offered. I told him repeatedly that we will return.

I just got one of the emails that seems to find it's way around the net every 6 months or so. It's the one where they warn you not to open the life is beautiful powerpoint presentation. I started to reply to the email and let everyone know it is a hoax, but it's not worth the time, I'll just go on letting people think that they have warned me of a truly castastropic event. I hope I spelled that word before event right, it didn't show up on the spell checker. Well I better go get the coffee pot ready!


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