Friday, February 25, 2005


I can't believe I made it another week. I know for a fact that I could not have made it this week without some help. So here I am on Friday afternoon telling everyone that I am very thankful to the Lord for getting me through another week.

The boss has been sort of laid back today and hasn't really jumped on me for anything today. It has been very busy this afternoon at work though, for some reason everyone is having trouble with their printers. Some of the problems are legitimate and some are just operator error.

The wife is getting her hair done after work, so it's just me and the boys for supper. I'm getting ready to call them and ask if Taco Bell would be alright for supper because I really don't feel like cooking ANYTHING on Friday night. Wherever you are, you will be able to hear their collective YES!!!! My little angels could eat Taco Bell all 3 meals and 4 times on Sunday.

I better go now and do some surfing while it's quiet.


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