Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I have to confess, -- I have taken steroids. In fact, I took a steroid shot just yesterday. I haven't noticed any increase in the size of my head or the shrinkage of my testicles. Now bear in mind this is only my second injection and the injections are for my back and hip pain. If it makes me stronger and able to hit a baseball better, so be it. I may have to try out for the Knoxville Smokies, not for myself but for the kids. Shouldn't it always be for the kids?

Friday, March 04, 2005


Hey what happened to all the oil that we were buying with our bullets and servicemens lives?? I see on that gasoline prices are getting ready to rise around 25 cents a gallon. Isn't it about time one of the countries that have all the oil, give the United States a break. We just keep giving the countries aid and protection and all they do is keep raising their prices. I say cut them all off. Cut off all foreign aid!!