Monday, January 31, 2005

Weight Update

Ok Friday was the big weekly weigh-in and yours truly lost 5 more lbs. for a grand total of 12 so far. I'm very excited about the weight loss and plan to keep working hard on it. The lady at work, who is in charge of our support group is very upbeat and sends out very positive and reassuring emails during the week. I've noticed if I just pay attention to what I eat and cut back a little, it means all the difference.

Now last night was a different story, it was my father-in-laws birthday. We went to his house for cake and ice cream and then he announced that he was taking us all to a Mexican restaurant. Let me tell you about this restaurant, it's not just any Mexican restaurant, they have a buffet. Do you know how hard it is to try and stay on a diet when you go to a Mexican buffet? Well, it's very hard, luckily I hadn't had too much to eat before we went out to his house. So now it's Monday and time to get rid of the extra food I had over the weekend. There looks to be a lot of walking in my future.


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