Wednesday, February 23, 2005

The Deal

OK, here's the deal, I'm thinking about getting back on the stuff again to see if it will improve my disposition and my attitude towards life. I had to give up the hard stuff when the doctor told me I was a diabetic, but it is so hard to resist sometimes. I just keep seeing the commercials and hearing it over and over in my head -- Do the Dew, Do the Dew. I am here to tell you right now that diet Mountain Dew is just not the same thing as the original. At one time in my life, I had to have anywhere from 6 to 12 a day. I know for a fact that on a Saturday or Sunday filled with football that I would put away a 12-pack easy. Now I sit around with diet drinks all the time, they may help me live longer, but do I want a life without the sweet sweet taste of Mountain Dew. Maybe when someone reads this they will have an intervention for me.

Speaking of interventions, I had 2 good friends take me to lunch today. Along the course of the conversation they told me that it was an intervention. They wanted me to start taking classes at UT. Since I work there, I can take classes for free and I would have a degree fairly quickly. I went to college right after high school, but started making minimum wage, living at home, so I had it made. I didn't need a degree, I had cash. Well, almost 20 years later I did go back to school and got an associates degree. I thought I had it made then. Now I'm thinking that I need more, I need the bachelors. It would probably get me out of the situation I am in at work. I mean, I don't have a career, I have a JOB that I hate to go to every day. Looking over this, -- maybe I'm the one who is never satisfied with anything. Is it all that wrong to want more?

Had to go put some laundry in the dryer. Trevor had come to me a few minutes ago and said he needed the jeans he was wearing washed for tomorrow. I said, why and he told me he had just spilled glue on them. He said he was using the glue for his homework. I told him to find some other pair to wear tomorrow. He said he really wanted to wear those tomorrow, so I jumped up and washed his sticky jeans. I only hope that the glue comes out, I told him there may be a spot or something where the glue was. He didn't care, that's one thing about Trevor, he doesn't care what he wears or what it looks like. He just turned 13, so his attitude about his appearance will probably change when a 13 year old girl smiles at him just the right way. You guys remember what that was like don't ya?


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