Tuesday, February 01, 2005


I have read so many articles and blogs about people complaining about Wal-Mart stores taking over all the business of the little so called,"mom and pop" stores. I can sympathize with these people and all the business owners who have been put out of business by the Big Boy, but I am poor. Poor people will continue to shop at Wal-Mart because of nothing more than lower prices. I don't care if a 6-year old in China made the shirt I am wearing, as long as the shirt is cheap enough for me to buy it. If I was a rich man, maybe my feelings would be different. Did you know that you can even buy Levis at Wal-Mart? Now I see where Wal-Mart is getting into the internet service providing. Remember how great that turned out for K-Mart and its 'blue light' service. You have all the NetZero commercials advertising the $9.95 internet service price, so what does Wal-Mart do? Well of course they charge $9.94, they always have to have the smiley face guy come in and cut the lowest price of the competitor.

You've probably noticed that I have a lot of links in this post,(well a lot for me). I just wanted to let everyone know that I can do that too, but I also have a mind so most of the time I just use it and forget about linking any funny or amusing article that we will all hear about eventually.


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