Thursday, September 30, 2004

I want my Damn Vioxx!!

I just finished reading an article that Merck pharmaceuticals had taken Vioxx off the worldwide market. Evidently the drug has shown increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Of course it does, it works. It was the only drug my doctor gave me that cleared up the pain in my sciatic nerve. I took the samples he gave me for 2 weeks, my hip got better, then the pain came back and he wrote a script for Vioxx. My HMO turned down the request. They sent a questionnaire to my doc to see if I qualified to take it and they declined the request, because I don't have arthritis. There are some times when I feel the risk would be worth it to get rid of this pain I live with every day of my life.

I go for my second attempt at an MRI on October 6th. My appointment is at 315pm, I plan to take all the xanax I can starting at around noon. Hopefully by my appt. time, I will be so sedated and high that nothing will bother me. I still don't understand why they can't let me into the MRI feet first.


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