Tuesday, September 21, 2004

New Job

Angi had an interview at ACNTV this morning and she got the job. It's a lot less money than what she was making, but she had to find something. I sent an email to an old friend that I used to work with down there and next thing you know she is hired. She said it happened pretty fast, it was like she had the job as soon as she showed up for the interview. We were walking around and telling some people here at UT and this one woman told us that she worked there the summer before she came to work here and she went on and on about how it was a great place to work if you had no education. It's a wonder my wife didn't go off on her, she has went off on people for less.

I always look back at my time at ACN and still think it was the best and easiest job I ever had. If I would have been made a team leader(supervisor), I would still be there to this day and that I can guarantee you. I am the kind of person who gets somewhere and once they get comfortable they stay there, maybe forever. I am comfortable in my job here at UT, but my boss is something else. She considers herself a good Christian woman, well I know for a fact that my mother is a good Christian woman and my boss is not like my mother. Treating people like they are little kids and idiots is no way to treat people. I can't understand why no one has put her in her place around here. I know of many women that she has made cry, just by her words. Words of constructive criticism is what she says she is saying to me, but like I told her on Friday, it isn't nothing but criticism, and it's not constructive.


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