Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Ok, I work for the state of Tennessee and my wife has a temp job with the state. How on earth are we supposed to get Trevor a Xbox and Zack a Nintendo DS? Both of the boys want video game systems for Christmas. By the way, I always type out Christmas instead of using the X, I think the X is a matter of disrespect. Anyway, T's Xbox is 149.99, then comes the games, Zack's DS is 149.99 and then the games are extra. Our next paychecks are what we are using for Christmas so we better get everything on that day or the money and the hopes and dreams of 2 young boys will be gone. I think we should be able to do it. The next paycheck goes to house payment and bills and then we will get 1 more check on December 22 to pick up any thing else we may need. I've already talked it over with my sister and brother-in-law so we don't have to exchange gifts with them. That's fine with me as long as my boys have a great Christmas, I couldn't care less if I get anything at all. That's really a true statement and unless you have kids you probably wouldn't understand, but it's a great feeling on Christmas watching your kids all excited and soooo happy, that's all that matters. My parents told me not to worry about getting them anything, but how can you not get your parents something for Christmas. Well better go now, just had some Christmas things on my mind.


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