Friday, October 07, 2005

Nothing Again

Still here, doing nothing but complaining about the World in general. Why do the rich get richer? Why do bad things happen to good people. I lived my whole life trying to live right and to be a nice person. Well it's true nice guys finish last.

I didn't get a job last week that I had interviewed for. My credit wasn't good enough for their standards. It was a financial institution and I was told if it wasn't for the bad credit, I would have been offered the job. How can I improve my credit without an opportunity to make more money and get ahead in my career? Now comes word that my wife's job is being eliminated as of October 31st. When it freakin rains, it pours!! It's nothing that she has done, it basically has to do with office politics. She is getting a lot of help in acquiring a new position quickly, but who knows if it will be quick enough. We live paycheck to paycheck and have Christmas coming up. You can't explain to your kids that they will not be getting much for Christmas this year. There is just no way to explain that and I will not do that. I don't care what I have to do, but my kids will have a great Christmas.

I've asked for help from some famous people, but they probably get it all the time. I just want one of them to hear my story and to help me just get a break. I mean, Dammit I deserve one. Enough venting for now, I mean it's not like anyone ever reads this but it sure feels good just to let it out.



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